Sunday, November 6, 2016

My experience with technology

Of course everyone has had an encounter with technology at some point in their life. For me, I have had several computer classes that were required for middle and high school. These were basic skills of the computer like typing with speed and accuracy, or finding websites to answer questions for essays. One type of technology that continues to build my skills is my cell phone. For instance the apps that I have to download, internet service, and Email that I use provide entertainment and a way for me to look up things at a moments notice. I also have a blue tooth speaker,an apple watch, and a headset that I use on a daily to connect my daily routines or use to commnicate with family and friends. I believe that my life, like many others will continue to have technology now and in my future.
I continue to have professional development on technology that is used in the teacher realm, for instance the use of calculators. I have been taught many strategies that students can use so that they don’t have to do everything by hand. Grading has become easier with the help of software like “Eduphoria”, or even math apps like “Photomath” that show the right answers for problems and how to work them out. Honestly this type of app makes it hard for teachers, because they dont have to know the material, they could just copy. I normally use video clips from youtube or facebook to help me teach a subject as well. I feel as though I am pretty experienced with technology ,but there is so much more that I haven’t explored which is why I am trying to obtain this masters. I will always be interested in techniques that help me make a differnce in my students life.
I took an assessment from “Northstar Digital Literacy” about basic computer skills. The reason I took this test is because I wanted to see if I knew all the basic parts and could manuver through the computer without any mistakes. I made a 96 percent on the assessment but it made me question if I really did know about computers or if I just have been trained to do serveral things on the computer and it’s just inate now. Now a days I don’t focus on why im doing something on a computer , I just do it. For instance, I don’t know where to go to fix internet problems or that different internet sights or settings may block me from seeing information. Honeslty the only way I figure things out about computers is through professional development or by exploring on my own when I find a problem. I remember when I was trying to decide between what laptop I wanted to buy and I was so focused on the brand of the computer. The first one I obtained was a mac book pro but every time I saved a document , I could never get it to open because macs are so software specific. The second one I received as a gift ended up being a dell, but the person selling them provided information about the core. He said it was an i7 and because I have never made a computer or know how they work, this information had to be dumbed down for me. He finally expressed it was the computers speed.At that point I understood that just because its named brand, and highly recommended it doesn’t mean it’s the best.
My plans for future use of technology is the reason why I am taking this masters program. I learned from the teacher I student taught with that the use of technolnogy can keep not only students prepared and informed but the parents as well. The teacher had a website where he downloaded  notes, videos of his lessons, and assignments for the family. Other teachers at the school would even get on the site to share infomration or get the work for the week. I was truly impressed because it allowed parents to stay involved with the daily activities of their students. Plus they had the opportunity to learn and help students with homework. I plan to be able to incorporate this type of environment for my students and parents as well as learn how to use smartboards effectively and efficiently  in the classroom.  I want to learn technology that will help me bring math to life. I asked my students on the second day of class, where do you see math and they said grocery stores, banks, in construction, and various other places. With their prior knowledge about these types of everyday places or events, I want to be able to build on that and have them see how it all comes together. I would like to be able to find a program that shows how to buid things and why shapes are so important when buiding.
I know that if technology was taught in a way where people knew why they were using it not just how to use it, it could potentially build more problem solving skills. I hope to one day learn how to integrate technology in the best way and lead my students to success with it and without it. As you can see, either with school requirements or the pursuit of staying up to date, I will always gain more knowledge in technology and try to use it whenever I can. I believe this program will have me do just that and I am glad I made the decision to start.

 If you want to see where your technology skills are today open this website to take an Assessment!